Our reading application is designed to work on the most popular platforms and in all the leading browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome,. Firefox, Safari, Webkit).
We are prepared for higher resolutions and our HD-button delivers. We promise!
Easy integration to your own website, with thumbnails of your latest publication and a link to it for example.
We offer a high degree of automation which allows you to send files directly from your editorial system. Through these files you can choose the time and date for when the material is to be published
You can offer your customers many types of subscriptions per magazine. Based on number of issues, time period or external validation to your current subscription management. Would you elect to use our system, you can of course set your own prices.
We have adapted the reading application so that it is possible to read your publications as text only. This helps users who depend on text-to-speach synthesis.
PDFire works on the latest stable versions of the most common browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari). By the browser names below there is a version number indicating the earliest version that our system may handle (some issues may occur depending on different operating systems and computers). Browsers listed below can possibly work on an unlisted operating system (Firefox on Ubunty for example).